ON this day in 1989, my formative friend Stuart Pryle (Col A 70-76) took his own life. May he know peace.
A spasmodic and unofficial blog about the former pupils and staff of CHRIST'S HOSPITAL
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I was best friends with Stuart at Primary school 1969-70. For better or worse he was like no one else I've ever known.
I was a student of Stuart's at Winstanley College the year before his death. He was an exceptional teacher.
I was deep in a relationship with Stuart the year he died. A lot of water under the bridge, but I think of him often with enormous affection and sadness, though also always with a smile. He was a spectacular and flamboyant person, very lovable but also sometimes exasperating, with great qualities and great flaws. I have his writings and notebooks, which confirm all of this and remind me of how much I miss him. I hope that, one way or the other, he has found peace. Nice to know that others remember him fondly too.
I remember both Stuart Pryle and Matthew Rosedon very well at Hollicondane School (1967-1970). I have many vivid memories of Stuart from those years, and his father. I was sorry to hear of Stuart's untimely death.
I bought a copy of 'Lancastrian Knights and Lollard Kings' by KB McFarlane (OUP) today at a bookstore in Washington, and noticed that 'Stuart Pryle. Oxford. April 1978' -- written a few years after I happened to be a graduate student at Oxford -- was inscribed in a very minute, precise hand on the flyleaf. Out of curiosity I googled his name, and came upon this. Very sad indeed. I wonder how his book on late Plantagenet history ended up in Washington?
Was his father Thomas Pryle?
Hi Mandy very random but was Stuart's dad called Thomas pryle?
Yes, his parents were Thomas Pryle and Yvonne Bentham. I remember Thomas as a tough, uncompromising father.
Hi mandy i met stuart in hospital and we became great friends when he moved in to live with his grandma, we chatted about life in general then he took a teaching post at a 6th form college in wigan .. i went on a couple of field trips with him i was and still am devistated by his death
Sorry have only just seen this message. I do hope you are doing ok. Take care.
To unknown Sept.19 sorry for delay. Onlu just seen these messages. Yes!
I was at hollicondane with Stuart and met him again at Oxford. Shocked at this post . May he rest in peace
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