Thursday, 30 April 2009

While Trongon slept

…THE world kept turning - so, to make up for my seventeen-month absence from blogging, here are more than 200 links about Old Blues and former staff whose dates at CH range from 1793 to 2008, most of which have never been published before on any CH-related website.

Talent in Bloom

THE uncrushable London band Nately tends to shrink and grow as alarmingly as Alice. When it was down to just two members, Niall Barker (Pe B & A 84-91) and Alex Selby-Boothroyd (Md B & A 84-91), they made this curious video (their first) to go with their haunting ditty "Are You Lonely, Mrs Bloom?" (3 minutes):

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

MS? We don't know

JUST spotted Multiple Sclerosis Society chief executive Simon Gillespie (Col A 70-77) on the TV news, reacting to a survey that says four out of ten people can't name a single symptom of MS and the same number think it ends inevitably in a wheelchair. Only one in four knows it can strike in your twenties or thirties.

Simon's a former Royal Navy officer who previously held senior posts at the Healthcare Commission and the Charity Commission.

Friday, 10 April 2009

"I hated CH"

SAD to see this caption above the schoolboy memories of Roger Highfield (Mid B 69-75), New Scientist editor and bestselling author.

Perhaps it's misleading, as the phrase "little boys" suggests he's referring to his junior house days rather than his whole CH career. I hope so.