Friday, 21 August 2009

Confusion Boy

THREE minutes of Frankmusik (Old Blue) whose first album, Complete Me, was released this month:

Three weeks ago Frankmusik was hailed as "the new prince of British pop" on the cover of The Times's Playlist section, but the interview inside added more confusion to the question of who he is and when he was at CH.

Until now this blog has assumed he was in Maine A and Grecians East from 1997 to 2004, but the interview says CH was the last of four boarding schools from which he was expelled. Unless he was kicked out of three schools before reaching secondary age, or entered CH on the Third Form after being expelled from three schools during his first secondary year and stayed on at CH later than his contemporaries after retaking a year at some stage, it's hard to see how both these assertions could be true.

Has Frankmusik borrowed the forename and date of birth of another Old Blue, out of sheer devilment? Or is he rewriting his school career, adding a dash of rock'n'roll?

Or am I a senile old fool who's missing the point?


Anonymous said...

Rock n'roll hype. Staff who belong to the CH Forum have identified him and his real name. He seems to have served his full time at CH and ended up a Monitor....


Thanks for that, Anonymous.

The name, houses and dates I have for him were supplied by people at Horsham, so I imagine we're all talking about the same guy.

In fairness to him, he doesn't appear in the list of leavers in the Summer 2004 Blue, though a painting he did for his Art A level exam does appear in that edition. I wonder if this implies he was expelled at the very end of his CH career? That would have a certain style about it, I think.


Just came across this rather good News of the World interview, which clears up most of the confusion and validates the "senile old fool" theory. Oops. Sorry about that.