Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Trident 'the Devil's tool of choice'

IN the interests of political balance, here's comedian and activist Mark Thomas (CB 74-81) addressing the Troops Out No Trident demo in Trafalgar Square this February:

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Old Blue interviews David Cameron

THE Leader of the Opposition had this to say to Theo Usherwood (TB, MdB 92-99) of the Nottingham Evening Post.

Theo was recently shortlisted for 'Young Journalist of the Year' in the Regional Press Awards.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Bashing Bernard

ONE of the best-known incidents in the history of British live television, courtesy of YouTube.

The year is 1963¹. Journalist and critic Bernard Levin (PB 37-45) is taking part in the satirical BBC programme That Was The Week That Was ², but waiting to assault him is Desmond Leslie, incensed at Levin’s hostile review of a performance by Leslie’s then wife, the singer and actress Agnes Bernelle

Full marks to Levin for his composure.

(Best YouTube comment: ‘disgusting that such brutal horrer [sic] is displayed where the innocent eyes of youth could be scrambled and wonder we live in fear my god...’)

¹ Or possibly 1962 – accounts vary.

² At least one of whose writers was an Old Blue, Sydney Carter (PB 1926/27-33).

Monday, 29 January 2007

The blonder blogger

Amy Leadbeater (BB, GrW 00-02), better known to readers of the Unofficial CH Forum as 'blondie95', is writing a blog entitled Leadpencils.

Personally I don't think there’s enough about coal in it, but good luck to her anyway.

Meanwhile the current CH Actor in Residence John Garfield-Roberts has started a blog called 1 actor, 1 school, 2 years in which he intends to chronicle his ordeal.

And the author of the shortlived blog Musings of a Drama Queen was a female Old Blue reading zoology at Liverpool. No name given, but you might well recognise her photo.

Father and son

Good news for Abingdon School and a couple of Abingdon churches: hefty bequests to them all from a former teacher, Hugh Randolph.

The link with CH is Thomas Berkeley Randolph (PA 1913-23), Archdeacon of Hereford and father of devout churchman Hugh.